Throughout history, the effects and facts of Myofascial release have been overstated, understated and often misunderstood. So lets break down the benefits and how-tos of what is commonly known as foam rolling.
Inflammation responses in the muscles, ligaments and fascia creates myofascial restrictions that lead to the pain and disease processes. Myofascial restrictions occur from trauma/injury, surgery, overuse, sedentary lifestyle, stress or illness. Myofascial restrictions can produce pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in any of the standard tests. (x-rays, MRI’s, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.) This enormous pressure acts like a “straightjacket” on muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and osseous structures producing the symptoms of chronic pain, headaches, restrictions of motion and disease. Some of these results of inflammatory responses outlive their usefulness are often labeled as: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, bowel and menstrual disorders, cancer and the list goes on and on. Myofascial release allows the chronic inflammatory response to resolve and eradicate the enormous pressure exerted on pain sensitive structures by the myofascial restrictions to alleviate symptoms and allow the body’s natural healing capacity to function properly. Myofascial release views symptoms as only the “tip of the iceberg.” In other words, symptoms are effects of a much deeper cause.
I am sure a lot of you are reading this and saying to yourself, “myofascial what?” So let me explain fascia and myofascial restriction as simply as I can so you can all understand not only what I am speaking of but understand your body, pain and biology a little bit more.
The Dew Covered Spider Web & Sweater Thread
To understand the term Myofascial release, we must first understand Fascia. Imagine a very strong dew-covered spider web encircling a shrub. And in between the gaps of the thread is a clear gel, rather than air. If you can picture this, then you are on your way to understanding the fascial system. This three-dimensional matrix, threads itself throughout our body. It surrounds our muscles, fat, organs, nerves, bones, blood vessels, and even our cells. Everything is held in place by fascia. It is impressively flexible and infinitely adaptable. When one area of the body gets tugged, pulled or injured, the effects ripple throughout to other areas. This is why, for example, we may have knee pain that has nothing to do with a knee injury, but everything to do with our lower back. The natural, fluid state of the fascia has been traumatized, causing it to harden and tighten. Ever pull a thread on a sweater only to find the whole thing bunch up on one side? That “bunching up” is exactly what happens to fascia when our body experiences physical or emotional stress, dehydration, injury, inflammation, repetitive activity – you name it.
Our body reacts to pain of any kind by creating a protective response, that while initially is a good thing, over time can lead to increased pain, buildup of toxins and reduced blood flow and oxygen to the area. More signals are sent, and more muscles tighten to protect the growing epicenter of pain. What may have started as something small has now grown—that sweater gets more gnarled and bunchy.
So now that we (hopefully) have a good idea of what our fascial system looks like and how it responds, let us begin to talk about why Myofascial release is one of the best therapies out there and what exactly is does for our fascial system.
Muscle Knots and The Stick of Butter
Myofascial restrictions often present as knots. How often have you complained to a massage therapist or chiropractor about your tight muscles or muscle knots? Myofascial release techniques (MFR) are designed to smooth out those hard knots, returning the muscle and fascia to its normal fluid and adaptable self. But how? In MFR, a gentle, sustained pressure is applied to points of restriction (those bunched up spots), allowing the connective tissue to release. Picture a stick of cold butter. If you jab your finger into it sharply, you’re just going to hurt your finger, and not even make a dent in the butter. But if you place your finger on the butter, and apply gentle pressure, you’ll find you’re able to slowly sink into the stick of butter, melting your way into it. This is essentially what is happening when an MFR therapist works on the body, or when one performs Self Myofascial Release (SMFR) with myofascial release tools such as rollers and balls.
Daily Myofascial Release at Home
While working with a professional is incredibly effective, everyone should be doing self-myofascial release on their own at home. This will not only alleviate and heal present symptoms of pain but will also prevent fascial restriction and dysfunction in the future. Here are some helpful tips and ways to begin SMFR and what you should be looking for and staying aware of.
Let’s begin with what tools we need in order to perform SMFR on ourselves. Objects such as a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, Theraband weighted ball, PCV pipe, gentle (when starting out) foam roller, and a Thera Cane are all great to use for SMFR. You may also use your own hands/fingers to palpate areas that are easily accessible such as your forearm, palm of opposite hand, abdomen, pecs (chest) and face/head. Over time it would be wise to work up to using a tool in order to get through more layers and receive better results.
Now that we have the tools, what are we looking for? When looking for areas of myofascial restriction, here are a few helpful tips. When beginning to palpate the muscles to find those restrictions you want to be aware of:
1. Pain: unpleasant sensation that may refer to other areas of the body.
2. Inability of the skin (epidermis) to slide over underlying tissue
3. Dense areas of muscle that are tender/sensitive with palpation
Once you have identified those areas, one at a time, place your SMFR tool under that area and lean into and/or put all your weight into it. While doing this, you may feel different sensations such as isolated/referral “pain”, burning, achiness, tenderness and sensitivity. All these sensations are normal but in order to get the results we want we must push through them with deep breathing and visualization. If for any reason you are feeling sharp pain then stop. But you will want to hang out in this position for at least 30 seconds or more until the tissue begins to release, so BE PATIENT.
At this point, if you’d like you may begin doing some “Pin and Stretch,” which can be used along with the foam roller in order to encourage broad motion to deep layers of tissue. Once we have a good bite on the tissue, we move through the range motion that is restricted and encourage new range through repetition, not force.
Remember: Fascia is designed to transmit force so applying too much force can bypass the area you’re targeting. Don’t move so far through range that you lose your bite on the tissue. If the restriction stops you from achieving the full movement pattern you’re working on, then stop at the point of restriction and repeat.
You can find instructional videos and information about self-myofascial release and how to do on your own on our website:
Conditions that benefit from Myofascial Release: Back pain, Fibromylgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Disc herniations Myofascial Pain Syndrome Scoliosis, Jaw issues (TMJ) Neurological dysfunctions Neck Pain, Sports injuries, Infants – birth trauma Sciatica, Headaches, Whiplash, Migraines, Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Michael Hering, LMT, specializes in Sports Massage and myofascial release. He is also a Human Biomechanics Specialist Level 1. Michael is on staff at Washington Park Chiropractic.
Dr. Lisa Goodman, DC, founded Washington Park Chiropractic in 2006 in Denver, Colorado. Author of THE MANUAL for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur.