Each month I try to think of a message for this page that you might find encouraging, or insightful, or inspiring in some small way. February, above all, is Black History Month. As a mom my mind instantly thinks of Tyre Nichols and how he called for his mother, just 80 yards from his home. I can sit here and write out the astounding statistic of how many unarmed Black Americans have been killed by law enforcement since George Floyd alone, but what will this change? There have been 40 mass shootings since January 1st, and what have we done? How much inhumanity do we need to witness before we wake up?
I look to myself when I ask these questions. My hope is to encourage people to look at the world from the perspective of the victim, their families and friends. Try to look at the horrific headlines through that lens and perspective and do the work. Research how we can call for change, in our communities, at our book clubs, at the dinner table. This has to be something that remains on our minds and in our actions. We have to refuse becoming complicit. If you would like to help, please consider donating here:
Your neighbors,
Shaleen and Sam DeStefano