“My baby, you’re in the world. This is the world! Just drink it all in. Ask questions and mighty forces will come to your aid. Life is good even at its worst.”  – Pamela Adelon

This message is for my son and everyone in the graduating class of 2022. Wow this was a doozy . . . I’ve re-written this a thousand times, which makes sense because, I’ve been trying to prepare myself for this moment all year and failed miserably. I cried on your first day of high school when you said you’d have lunch off campus, because I knew your freedom would continue to grow, untethering you from me. Nothing and I mean NOTHING, can prepare you for the act of setting your kid free. It actually feels like some kind of sick joke. Despite being warned by countless relatives and friends and people on tv going on and on about how time is a gift that slips through your fingers too quickly, I am ridiculously ill-prepared. But here we are. 

My wish for you is happiness and peace. You’re going to make mistakes, but with each misstep comes wisdom. Drink every drop out of life each day, never taking anything for granted. Explore. Learn. Love. And above all be careful, wear your seatbelt, floss, listen to your gut and make good choices. 

And Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mamas and mother figures out there who are currently navigating this incredibly exciting and challenging moment in time. 

Much love, your neighbors, 

Shaleen DeStefano