Earth Day is April 22nd, so we usually like to take the opportunity to discuss ways to live more sustainably on this page. And yes, this issue is heavily loaded with stories and individuals who live inspired lifestyles that respect the natural world and the future of the environment.

But as parents of three children in school, we find ourselves once again unable to discuss anything other than gun control. This fear of “when will our luck run out?” is consuming. This isn’t a political magazine, but this is an issue that needs immediate action and we refuse to stay quiet. In fact, we’re way too late. 

Gun violence is the #1 cause of death for children under the age of 18. 1300+ children have been injured or killed by gun violence in 2023 alone. The UK, New Zealand, Australia and Canada have proven that gun control works and is not a progressive fantasy. 

I’m reaching out to you, our audience for help, because we’re at a serious loss. Our social media outrage isn’t working. Our marches to the capital aren’t working. It’s beyond time we put our bodies on the line to save our kids. What does this look like? A strike where our kids and educators don’t return to school? Filming our reps when we ask them why legislation for insurance and permits to sell guns never even saw the light of day? It’s time to make the lives of our lawmakers uncomfortable, put them on the spot and get loud with our demands. We can learn from the French as we watch their protests over increasing the age for retirement by two years. Their voices are being heard. 

Our kids are not ok. Our teachers are not ok. We, as parents, are not ok. Our lawmakers won’t say “enough is enough,” so we have to. 

Your neighbors, 

Shaleen and Sam DeStefano