“Autumn days are for watching

the way auburn leaves fall and

kiss the earth to show

that the trees have made peace

with letting go.”

– Jai Gaurangi

If only we could be as comfortable with the process of letting go, as the trees. Without impermanence and detachment, we would not be able to enjoy the sweetness of new experiences. 

All that said, we do absolutely love the traditions that come with the change of the season. Opening the dusty Halloween boxes filled with spooky decorations and costumes is just the beginning. So, we will push pause on “letting go” for a bit and relish in the nostalgia of every single Halloween that came and went before. We will allow ourselves to get lost in the memories of classroom Halloween parties, and holding sticky hands while walking down sidewalks overflowing with leaves to trick or treat. We’ve got our fingers crossed that the weather will drop and the breeze will come out just enough for the leaves to fall. The spooky season is a favorite of ours, and we love that all our neighbors get in the spirit of things as well. We’ll catch you on Old South Gaylord Street for the big day!

Your neighbors, 

Shaleen and Sam DeStefano